
September 13, 2010


What is a Patient Registry and Its Relation to Meaningful Use?

A patient registry can loosely be defined as a collection of patient data that includes specific diagnoses, conditions and procedures. Patient registries are often referred to as disease management registries because of their ability to increase preventative care and chronic disease management.
The data gathered in a patient registry is used to generate any number of customized comprehensive reports in a host of formats including charts, graphs and gauges.
Patient registries fulfill many of the main components of the Meaningful Use requirements because of their ability to take compiled data and provide alerts and decision support; secure messaging; and a stable source for data mining. These features allow a provider to receive an alert when a patient is due (or overdue) for a treatment and can even automatically send a secure message to the patient telling them to schedule an appointment.
Patient registries are a critical component of the modular approach to MU in the post last week. When the functionality of a registry is combined with an advanced e-prescribing and medication management system there is no problem meeting the Stage 1 MU requirements.
To learn more on how combining these 2 systems can qualify providers for MU, visit our new website and learn about our newest product – RcopiaMU!

About ifroehlich

Ms. Froehlich has been with DrFirst since its inception in 2000. In her role as Director of Marketing, she oversees the planning, directing, and coordinating all marketing and public relations efforts at DrFirst. Ms. Froehlich has a B.S. in Communications from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.