
June 15, 2012


A Recap of MUSE 2012 Conference

DrFirst has just experienced yet another very successful International MUSE Conference, in Orlando. Working with MEDITECH over the past 12 years, we look forward to each MUSE, the largest independent MEDITECH user group in the world, as a great way to connect with our current and future customers. This year was no different.
In addition to the many fun giveaways (collapsible water bottles, t-shirts, golf ball stress balls, DrFirst branded hospital socks, and jump drives modeled after our EPCS token), we also had a massage lounge for the weary, a DrFirst cinema for the curious, and a putt-putt golf course for the competitive.

The real buzz at MUSE this year, however, was the preview of DrFirst’s new Rcopia Messenger℠. In particular, the Automated Discharge Summaries feature garnered a lot of attention. Rcopia Messenger will be fully integrated into RcopiaAC℠– our medication reconciliation solution for hospitals — and allows providers to automatically send HIPAA-compliant, secure electronic messages directly to referring  providers, whether or not those providers use Rcopia. Look for more news from DrFirst about this new development soon.
Another exciting bit of news was that electronic prescriptions for controlled substances (EPCS), for discharge e-prescribing, will be available from DrFirst for Meditech hospitals in Spring 2013. This will allow Meditech facilities to e-prescribe Schedule II to V controlled substances using DrFirst’s fully integrated electronic prescribing for controlled substances directly from within the Meditech environment.

About ifroehlich

Ms. Froehlich has been with DrFirst since its inception in 2000. In her role as Director of Marketing, she oversees the planning, directing, and coordinating all marketing and public relations efforts at DrFirst. Ms. Froehlich has a B.S. in Communications from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.