
Clearly Better Transparency

Value-based contracts and public scrutiny demand transparency from PBMs. DrFirst meets this challenge head on to drive better healthcare outcomes.

Bringing Greater Transparency to the Healthiverse

For years, PBMs have been under intense scrutiny to reveal their pricing and policy procedures. Now, 68% of Americans say they want Congress to do more to reign in prescription drug prices, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation study.

Value-based contracts will continue to increase attention and add still more pressure on PBMs to build transparency into their operations.

How PBMs respond can ultimately impact their viability in the healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare continues to drive toward greater transparency overall, and the successful PBM will be the one that gets ahead of the trend, focusing on how they can work with health plan administrators to get medications to patients.

Transparent Outcome Solutions

DrFirst solutions lift the veil for greater transparency, helping providers and patients make more informed healthcare decisions that lead to better outcomes.

We’re under intense pressure to be more transparent, not only in pricing but also in demonstrating how we help control healthcare costs and improve patient health

DrFirst provides the tools that meet these challenges head-on. From our legacy e-prescribing tool, Rcopia®, to iPrescribe®, our mobile app, we build pricing transparency directly into the prescribing workflow through our industry-leading myBenefitCheckSM. What’s more, our messaging solution shares pricing with patients to avoid sticker shock at the pharmacy and spur first-fill adherence.

From contracting lags to payer changes, formularies can become out-of-date quickly. Tools like DrFirst’s myBenefitCheck make formulary data available to providers in real-time within their e-prescribing workflow.