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ONC Annual Meeting: Focusing (at Long Last) on Pharmacy Interoperability

Making more patient data accessible to pharmacists – also known as pharmacy interoperability – is the hot topic our CEO, Cam Deemer, and Point of Care Partners’ Pooja Babbrah recently tackled with Healthcare IT Today’s John Lynn.
Coming on the heels of the Office of the National Coordinator for Healthcare Technology’s (ONC) two-day annual meeting, the group touched on several major regulatory actions leading up to a final rule on HTI-1 and focused their discussion on pharmacy interoperability.
Deemer and Babbrah, who have worked closely with the pharmacy industry for more than 30 years, said the fact that the ONC’s annual agenda even addressed giving pharmacists more insight into patient data is a victory in itself – although they agreed there is still much work ahead.
A Fresh Look at an Old Problem
Until pharmacists have insight into patient data, they can’t fully play their role as direct care providers. In this clip, Cam Deemer lays out what will have to change.

Pooja Babbrah delves into how the industry’s early approach to e-prescribing shaped the current interoperability challenges that pharmacists still face today.

Involve Pharmacists Earlier and More Often
Progress is happening, albeit slowly. Cam details one area where the industry is making headway: many physicians now recognize the value of involving pharmacists earlier and more often in patient care.

Psychological Change is Key
While there is a lot the healthcare industry needs to do to improve pharmacy interoperability, there are some things only pharmacy itself can do. In addition to finding new and better ways to engage patients and connect with providers, Cam explains why pharmacy needs to rethink its approach to competition and branding for the next stage of progress.

See the full interview on the Healthcare IT Today website.