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Inaccurate, Incomplete Medication History Data Has Big Costs for Hospitals

In a time of electronic health records, e-prescribing, and cloud-based storage, it’s hard to believe that a patient’s medication history isn’t always readily available to providers within their clinical workflows.

Yet fractured data from multiple sources, inconsistent terminology between different systems, and time-consuming manual entry all hinder the medication reconciliation process. Providers are frustrated, patients are at risk of preventable adverse drug events (ADEs), and hospitals are bearing responsibility for readmissions.

The problems start early, or “upstream,” in the medication reconciliation process, with 85% of inpatient medication errors originating from information collected during admission. And the challenges continue to flow “downstream” after discharge, as providers lose sight of patients’ adherence to their medication regimens. This non-adherence—and the preventable readmissions it can cause—is estimated to cost the U.S. healthcare system a whopping $290 billion per year, according to the 2019 Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology.

A new infographic explores how process inefficiencies and errors in the Emergency Department and at admission can jeopardize patient safety and hospital finances. See The Downstream Effects of Fractured Medication Data, then ask us how we can minimize medication history gaps to reduce ADEs and readmissions at your organization.



Since 2000, healthcare IT pioneer DrFirst has empowered providers and patients to achieve better health through intelligent medication management. We improve healthcare efficiency and effectiveness by enhancing e-prescribing workflows, improving medication history, optimizing clinical data usability, and helping patients start and stay on therapy. In the last few years, DrFirst has won over 25 awards for excellence and innovation, including winning Gold in the prestigious Edison Awards in 2023, recognizing our game-changing use of AI to streamline time-consuming healthcare workflows and prevent medication errors. Our solutions are used by more than 350,000 prescribers, 71,000 pharmacies, 270 EHRs and health information systems, and over 2,000 hospitals in the U.S. and Canada. To learn more, visit and follow @DrFirst.

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