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State of Delaware to Promote Electronic Prescribing | DrFirst

Pilot Program Will Provide 100 Physicians with DrFirst Rcopia Electronic Prescribing Technology to Improve Patient Safety and Physician Efficiency
September 23, 2005
Rockville, MD—DrFirst’s award-winning Rcopia electronic prescribing solution has been chosen by the State of Delaware for a collaborative pilot program that will target 100 physicians to promote the adoption and use of electronic prescribing technology. While the program will benefit all patients, the focus is on improving patient safety, reducing costs and improving the overall quality of care in the delivery of prescription drug benefits to the state’s employees and beneficiaries. Electronic prescribing helps accomplish this through increased decision support for providers at the point-of-prescribing and better communication and connectivity between physicians, pharmacies and payer organizations.
Through the program, DrFirst will recruit 100 high prescribing providers who provide services in the state of Delaware and issue DrFirst Rcopia ePrescribing licenses, handheld PDA devices, WiFi wireless network hardware and ePocrates Rx Pro software. To further enhance rapid adoption, DrFirst will also offer a full patient demographic data upload, training, implementation, and workflow consulting services to participating practices.
“The Medical Society of Delaware is committed to pursuing and promoting new technologies in the name of quality improvement, patient safety, and enhanced efficiency,” said James P. Marvel, Jr., M.D., President of the Medical Society of Delaware. “Electronic prescription technology has many benefits to physicians, pharmacists and patients, the most important of which is the potential for increased patient safety. We are excited to be at the forefront of helping to support usage of this new application.”
DrFirst will provide its Rcopia Insight reporting tool and consulting services to deliver deep analysis of the actual results of the program and its impact in key areas. The program will evaluate success based on the ability of electronic prescribing to enhance patient safety through decreased adverse drug events, increased formulary compliance and improved efficiencies in the prescription writing process. Improvements in these areas are expected to lower healthcare costs while improving the general quality of care.
“We applaud the State of Delaware for recognizing the value and power of electronic prescribing and for their commitment to ensure that physicians and employees realize the many benefits that our system brings to the healthcare community,” said G. Cameron Deemer, Senior VP and GM of DrFirst.
DrFirst’s Rcopia® is an end-to-end electronic prescribing system that manages the prescription writing process electronically by connecting physicians to critical patient information and key healthcare stakeholders at the point of prescribing. Rcopia delivers a patient’s insurance information, medication history, allergies and pharmacy preferences to physicians at the point of care. In addition to these capabilities, Rcopia® was chosen for its ability to share data between physicians in order to improve continuity of care along with its ability to tightly interface with other systems such as electronic medical record (EMR) and practice management systems (PMS).
Physicians can use DrFirst Rcopia via the Internet and on handheld devices. True mobility is delivered using the Rcopia PDA allows physicians anytime/anywhere access to patient information and prescription writing functionality whether connected or disconnected to the Internet.
About The Medical Society of Delaware
The Medical Society of Delaware, the third oldest society of its kind in the United States, was founded on February 3, 1789. Although much has changed in the medical profession since then, the principle upon which this society of physicians was founded has remained steadfast: to further the ideals of the medical profession, thereby enhancing the health and well-being of the citizen’s of Delaware. We exist to serve our members and, through them, all Delawareans. We do this in four areas: advocacy, representation, education, and the advancement of public health and well-being. Nearly 1700 Delaware physicians, representing a majority of the physician population in Delaware, are currently members of the Medical Society of Delaware.
DrFirst also provides leading edge secure text messaging platforms for physicians, hospitals and EMR/EHR vendors.