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RcopiaMU Officially Recognized In Massachusetts as an Affordable Path to "Meaningful Use" | DrFirst

Regional Extension Center (REC) Massachusetts eHealth Institute includes DrFirst RcopiaMU software in preferred EHR vendor list
March 11, 2011
Rockville, Md. – DrFirst, the nation’s leading e-prescribing company, is pleased to announce physicians in Massachusetts now have another reason to upgrade their Rcopia systems to DrFirst’s newest “Meaningful Use” solution, RcopiaMU. The Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MeHI) recently included the RcopiaMU e-prescribing, medication history, and patient record software in its Preferred EHR Vendor List, recognizing that starting at just $7 a day, RcopiaMU is a price-friendly solution for doctors that want to become eligible for Federal MIPAA, ARRA HITECH, and PQRS incentive funds this year.
After a rigorous evaluation, MeHI concluded RcopiaMU fully meets Meaningful Use ONC-ATCB criteria and is indeed priced for budgets of all sizes. As these users already know Rcopia’s core features, switching to RcopiaMU will be a simple upgrade.
RcopiaMU is also a simplified Meaningful Use solution for new users, priced and scaled to allow even single physician practices to receive Meaningful Use incentive checks in 90 days of adoption or less.
DrFirst, Inc. has maintained a strong presence in Massachusetts since 2004 when the company was one of two vendors chosen by the eRx Collaborative to jumpstart comprehensive e-prescribing technology in the Commonwealth State. Over the years, the program has helped more than 5,600 prescribers to adopt e-prescribing to improve patient safety and increase healthcare affordability.
“RcopiaMU is an important inclusion to MeHI’s Preferred EHR Vendor List. Many practices in Massachusetts don’t have extensive IT resources or the budgets to acquire them, but want to qualify for Meaningful Use incentives. RcopiaMU e-prescribing, medication history, and patient record software offers these doctors a cost-effective solution to do so,” said Dr. Thomas E. Sullivan, Past President of the Massachusetts Medical Society and Chief Strategic Officer of DrFirst.
“We are pleased to have DrFirst join our select list of certified health IT companies that will help thousands of health care providers across Massachusetts successfully transition to electronic health records,” said Rick Shoup, Ph.D., Director of the Massachusetts eHealth Institute. “Widespread deployment of electronic health records leads to better quality care for patients, reduces health care costs and spurs new jobs in the health care industry.”
About the Massachusetts eHealth Institute
The Massachusetts e-Health Institute (MeHI), a division of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, is the state’s entity for health care innovation, technology, and competitiveness. Established by an act of the Massachusetts Legislature, MeHI is responsible for advancing the dissemination of health information technology across the Commonwealth, including the deployment of electronic health records systems in all health care provider settings that are networked through a statewide health information exchange.