Integrated workflows ease staff burden and satisfy regulatory mandates.
Online Prescription Pilot Aims to Reduce Errors | DrFirst

Integrated workflows ease staff burden and satisfy regulatory mandates.
Minimize overprescribing risks with in-workflow visibility into PDMP data.
End-to-end automation speeds access to specialty drugs.
Complete data powered by the largest medication management network in the U.S.
Personalized messages deliver savings, education, and prescription reminders.
Proactively identify high-risk patients to keep them on track with treatments.
February 25, 2003
The DrFirst system can be used on any Internet-connected device, and will also work if a doctor simply needs to fax the information…Physicians are finding that the e-prescribing system saves them time looking up drug coverage information and making prescription adjustments. It enables them to prescribe the most appropriate drugs, and also reduces the phone time that their staffs need to spend working with pharmacies…(a) solution to reduce medication errors without overhauling a doctor’s entire practice or making a major investment in new technology…Any physician should welcome a system that eliminates the potential for misinterpreted prescriptions, and that’s exactly what this system does.
>The Wall Street Journal