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DrFirst to Educate Healthcare Leaders and ONC Policy Makers on the Latest Trends in Healthcare Price Transparency | DrFirst

Invited to present at annual meeting of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) about the positive impact of real-time benefit inquiry at the point of care
June 1, 2016
DrFirst, a pioneer in electronic medication management, secure communications and other SaaS solutions, will educate healthcare leaders, technology providers, ONC leaders and other policy makers June 1st during the Price Transparency Showcase at the ONC Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
The session, presented by Julia Crouse, director of strategic innovation at DrFirst, will review the latest health IT-enabled solutions that empower providers and patients to make informed decisions about medication therapy by accessing real-time patient formulary and plan-level information at the point of care. The session is titled, “Advances in Accessing Prescription Co-Pay Information at the Point Of Care,” and will take place at 10:45 am, June 1st, in room 203 A/B of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
Crouse will co-present with Morgan Bojorquez, director of HPS Clinical Integration & Implementation at Humana. They will share preliminary results of DrFirst’s integration of myBenefitCheckSM into Humana’s claims adjudication system to enable real-time benefit inquiries. myBenefitCheck is the industry’s first full-scale, nationwide, real-time benefit inquiry product.
Today, myBenefitCheck technology is available to nearly 10% of U.S. physicians, and can be easily integrated within electronic medical record (EMR) systems as well as systems used by integrated delivery networks (IDNs), accountable care organizations (ACOs) and at-risk plans.
“MyBenefitCheck by DrFirst enables doctors and their patients to know exactly how much a needed drug therapy will cost before the patient leaves the office, and gives them an opportunity to discuss viable alternatives if that cost is too high,” said Richard Cohan, president of DrFirst’s Patient Innovations division.
“Conversations supporting price transparency should be an integral part of any patient’s care plan,” Cohan added. “Medication non-adherence—often due to a patient’s inability to pay for the drug therapy—is a major barrier to positive healthcare outcomes. We know from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that 20 percent to 30 percent of prescribed medications are never filled, and it often leads to hospital readmissions and, too often, death.”
“Early results show that physicians are using information obtained via myBenefitCheck to ensure patients are prescribed the most appropriate course of medication therapy at the lowest possible out-of-pocket price for patients,” added Crouse. “We’ve also seen a significant improvement in the accuracy of electronic prior authorizations among physicians using myBenefitCheck.”
About DrFirst
DrFirst pioneers electronic prescribing, secure text messaging and other healthcare SaaS solutions that inform the doctor-patient point of encounter, optimize provider access to patient information, enhance the physician’s clinical view of the patient, and improve care delivery and clinical outcomes. Our growth is driven by a commitment to innovation, security and reliability across a wide array of electronic medication management and HIPAA-compliant, secure communication and collaboration services. We are proud of our track record of service to more than 330 EMR/EHR/HIS partners and an extensive network of hospitals, post-acute care facilities, ambulatory practices and pharmacies nationwide.
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