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DrFirst Recognized As An Approved Vendor For The Arizona Regional Extension Center | DrFirst

November 16, 2011
Rockville, MD (November 17, 2011)—DrFirst has achieved approved vendor status with the Arizona Regional Extension Center (REC). In collaboration with IT specialists Arizona Health-e Connections, the Regional Extension Center is a private organization, federally funded by ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009). The goal of the Arizona REC is to consult with and educate health care professionals in achieving meaningful use objectives. With inclusion in the REC’s Vendor Alliance Program, DrFirst can now offer products and services designed to assist more Arizona doctors in meeting Meaningful Use requirements.
Jason Owens, DrFirst’s Arizona regional director, said, “This venture will assist Arizona doctors in achieving Meaningful Use by giving them access to RcopiaMU, a fully certified product that does not require moving to a paperless office. In the future, when physicians are ready to become paperless, DrFirst offers over 200 EHR options through its Open Borders program.”
Arizona Health-e Connections is an organization specializing in Health Information Technology (HIT) and was selected by the federal government to oversee the REC operations in Arizona. This collaboration between Arizona Health-e Connections and DrFirst assures that mutual objectives of expanding Health Information Technology adoption are being met within health care facilities throughout Arizona. It assures that parameters outlined by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT), in conjunction with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), are also being met.
The inclusion of DrFirst in the vendor program allows its local contact information and logo to be posted on the Arizona REC’s website. The Arizona REC is also highlighting DrFirst as an approved vendor in its standard vendor selection assistance efforts to REC members. Doctors have already started the process of incorporating DrFirst products into their practices.
“The vendor program is activated when Arizona Health-e Connections assesses the needs of a medical practice,” explained Mr. Owens. “The assessment covers the current information technology infrastructure and the budget parameters of the practice. As a result of that assessment, Arizona Health-e Connections recommends the solution that best fits the practice’s needs.”
DrFirst understands the importance of this venture in building brand awareness with other health care systems and organizations in the region including organizations like the Arizona Pharmacy Alliance and the Arizona Nurses Association.
“As one of Arizona Health-e Connections vendors, DrFirst is able to establish a firm footprint in the state,” said Mr. Owens. “We also have the ability to introduce more practices to products that keep patients safer and, at the same time, achieve Meaningful Use objectives. In the end, this venture is a win-win for everyone in Arizona,” said Mr. Owens.
About DrFirst, Inc.
Founded in 2000, with offices in Rockville, MD and Mesa, AZ, DrFirst is the nation’s leading e-prescribing and platform solutions provider to physician practices, major health plans, health systems, hospitals, and EHR companies. Through its Open Borders Program, DrFirst solutions are widely integrated with over 200 EHR systems. DrFirst is a Surescripts Gold Certified solution provider and aggregator, offering its award-winning Rcopia electronic prescription management system as both a standalone application and as a technology platform. DrFirst utilizes the Surescripts network for pharmacy connectivity, health plan information, and patient medication history. DrFirst is the first organization in the country certified to meet Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) requirements for e-prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS). The DrFirst EPCS Gold™ e-prescribing solution is a platform available nationally to HIT vendors for prescriber identity proofing and electronic transmission of controlled drugs. Certain DrFirst solutions can qualify users for government incentive programs such as MIPPA, PQRI/PQRS, and Meaningful Use of EHR. For more information contact DrFirst at (888)-DRFIRST or visit
About The Arizona Regional Extension Center (REC)
The Arizona Regional Extension Center (REC) is one of 62 federally designated RECs nationwide to assist primary care providers with adoption and optimization of electronic health records (EHRs) and achievement of Meaningful Use. The REC serves as an unbiased, trusted resource with national perspective and local expertise. The REC offers free membership and services to qualified health care providers.
About Arizona Health-e Connections
Arizona, Health-e Connection (AzHeC) is a statewide non-profit charged with leading Arizona’s establishment of health IT. AzHeC has been widely recognized for its collaborative work in moving Arizona’s health IT efforts forward through strategic communication and coordination among multiple stakeholders. AzHeC was awarded one of 62 grants distributed nationwide by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) to form the state’s REC program.