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DrFirst Offers Florida Doctors Fast Path to Electronic Prescribing and EHR Stimulus Funds | DrFirst

PaperFree Florida adds DrFirst to qualified vendor list; notes that the company offers remarkably simplified and affordable solutions for Sunshine State providers.
May 26, 2011
Rockville, MD
DrFirst, the nation’s leading e-prescribing company, announced today that PaperFree Florida has approved DrFirst as a qualified solution provider for doctors that want to quickly qualify for the HITECH Act’s EHR stimulus, and also meet the approaching June deadline for electronic prescribing. Both of these objectives come with challenges for doctors with limited funding and technical expertise, barriers that DrFirst solutions are designed to easily overcome.
Rcopia E-Prescribing: Meet the June deadline for electronic prescribing
Separate from the HITECH Act’s EMR/EHR stimulus program, providers must generate at least ten electronic prescriptions by June 30, 2011 to avoid MIPPA electronic prescribing penalties. DrFirst’s Rcopia e-prescribing solution can help providers generate the required quota in less than a day, after a single training session.
Rcopia’s intuitive interface quickly prompts users through the electronic prescribing process, so that they can authorize waiting renewal requests and new scripts in less time than it takes to write a paper-based prescription. An annual provider license for Rcopia comes with unlimited users, and costs less than almost any other e-prescribing solution on the market. And for just a few dollars more a day, users can upgrade at any time to RcopiaMU, to qualify for tens of thousands of dollars in electronic medical records stimulus money.
RcopiaMU: Easy attestation for EMR/EHR stimulus funds
For doctors that want to combine e-prescribing with participation in the HITECH Act’s electronic medical records stimulus program, RcopiaMU offers speedy eligibility for EMR stimulus money.
Providers can use RcopiaMU to input patient encounters, generate electronic prescriptions, and perform other basic electronic activities that make up the HITECH Act stimulus program’s core objectives. RcopiaMU also introduces patients to electronic medical records, a core HITECH Act objective, by allowing patients to access RcopiaMU to view or input certain data.
Because RcopiaMU helps doctors meet the core objectives so rapidly, they can qualify for EHR stimulus funds in less than ninety days, at a price that is just a fraction of these funds.
“A doctor’s budget and technical aptitude should have no bearing on his or her participation in the HITECH Act’s EHR stimulus program, or e-prescribing initiatives that can reduce medication errors and improve daily workflow. We very much look forward to working with PaperFree Florida to educate doctors about our refreshingly inclusive solutions,” said G. Cameron Deemer, president of DrFirst.
Florida doctors are encouraged to sign up for a live, free Rcopia e-prescribing or RcopiaMU demo to learn more. Contact PaperFree Florida at
About PaperFree Florida
As part of a partnership between USF Health and Healthy Ocala among others, PaperFree Florida is uniquely positioned to be the physician’s advocate in navigating through the process of migration to a certified EHR System. Their eHealth Ambassadors are uniquely qualified in their abilities, national insight, and local expertise to provide technical guidance and information support to accelerate physician practice migration to certified EHR technology. PaperFree Florida’s eHealth Ambassadors are the Florida physician’s direct, rapid, and reliable access to a pipeline of key information on Health IT and Meaningful EHR Use, including our Qualified Vendor List. They are the physician’s support and resource team throughout selection, implementation, and beyond. Visit them here.
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