Integrated workflows ease staff burden and satisfy regulatory mandates.
DrFirst Launches First Ever Intelligent E-prescribing Mobile App to Combat Opioid Over-Prescribing and Increase Medication Adherence | DrFirst

iPrescribe to streamline e-prescribing and medication history access within provider workflow with added benefit of compliance with state PDMP requirements and drug price transparency
February 9, 2018
ROCKVILLE, Md. — DrFirst, the market leader in e-prescribing and medication management solutions, today announced the launch of iPrescribeSM, a mobile app that allows physicians to prescribe legend drugs and controlled substances while complying with state prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) requirements.
iPrescribe is the first mobile solution to optimize access to all the necessary tools physicians need to manage patients’ medications and drive adherence in one convenient app. The app can be used with most ambulatory and acute EHRs, and all prescriptions enabled via iPrescribe are automatically updated to patients’ medication histories ensuring a consistent patient record across any EHR system.
The iPrescribe app offers user-friendly design with robust functionality that equips physicians to address the most demanding challenges they face today, including:
- Over-Prescribing of Opioids – Opioid addiction claims 115 lives and sends more than 1000 people to emergency rooms daily in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control. iPrescribe allows physicians to make more informed care decisions with in-workflow access to the patient’s opioid prescription history.
- Patient Medication Non-Adherence – About 25 percent of new prescriptions go unfilled by patients due to increasing drug costs. iPrescribe gives providers the ability to see patient-specific drug prices during the visit, thus increasing transparency with the patients, and greater patient engagement for decision making. This can result in significant patient savings.
- Time Savings – Using a single prescribing workflow for legend drugs and controlled substances with PDMP access made the prescribing process three times faster for providers using iPrescribe.
- Compliance – As more states mandate e-prescribing, electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS), and PDMP queries, the burden of compliance has become increasingly cumbersome for providers. iPrescribe helps providers easily adapt to these changes by streamlining the process.
“As a surgeon, I can prescribe lower initial quantities of opioids to eliminate over-supply, because I know I can easily follow the initial prescription with additional small amounts of pain killers for patients based on valid need, at any time, using iPrescribe,” stated Dr. Mark Komorowski, a plastic surgeon in Michigan. “The application has allowed me to more effectively control opioid supply while still attending to individual patient situations.”
“We designed iPrescribe to work intuitively on any mobile device and enable physicians to confidently access all the tools and information needed to provide optimal care, at any point in their workflow they choose,” said G. Cameron Deemer, president of DrFirst. “iPrescribe brings back the convenience of the traditional paper prescribing pad, but with the power to manage prescriptions safely and efficiently.”
iPrescribe’s advanced features include:
- E-prescribing for both legend drugs and controlled substances using a two-step authentication that is DEA compliant
- Access to up to 24 months of optimized patient medication history
- Integration with state PDMP databases, giving physicians additional resources to address the nation’s opioid crisis
- Ability to rapidly obtain patient formulary and copay information, ensuring patients have access to appropriate lower-cost therapies
The iPrescribe app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. For more information, visit
About DrFirst
DrFirst, the nation’s leading provider of e-prescribing and medication management solutions, enables stakeholders across the healthcare industry to intelligently utilize comprehensive real-time data and connectivity to increase their patient safety ratings, efficiency, and profitability. Today, over 170,000 healthcare professionals and over 60% of Electronic Health Record vendors, depend on DrFirst’s innovative software solutions to improve clinical workflows, expedite secure collaboration across a patient’s care team and drive better health outcomes. The company’s integrated technologies include its award-winning electronic prescribing platform, the most comprehensive medication history available, clinically specialized secure messaging, as well as patient medication adherence monitoring and benefits checking. In addition, DrFirst was the first to offer e-prescribing for controlled substances (EPCS) and is considered the industry standard for providers nationwide. For more information, please visit or connect with us @DrFirst.
DrFirst Media Contact:
Jenna Warner
Amendola Communications
480-664-8412 x 19