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Atlantic Integrated Health to Provide DrFirst’s Rcopia e-Prescribing Solution to its 4,000 Physician Members in North Carolina | DrFirst

February 5, 2004
ROCKVILLE, MD and NEW BERN, NC — Feb. 5, 2004 — DrFirst and Atlantic Integrated Health, the largest physician owned network in North Carolina, announced today a partnership to deploy Rcopia, DrFirst’s e-Prescribing solution, to its 4,000 physician members. The announcement comes after a successful 90-day pilot with AIH physicians that found that Rcopia saves time, enhances patient safety, and reduces the resources spent handling telephone calls and faxes related to the prescription process.
AIH chose Rcopia because it is the most best secure text messaging platforms for physicians, hospitals and EMR/EHR vendors.
“>advanced e-Prescribing solution on the market today. Rcopia operates on multiple platforms and devices and is a truly mobile solution. Accessible both on computers using Internet web browsers and on handheld devices, Rcopia can be used both online or offline while intermittently connecting through Wi-Fi or Blue Tooth local area wireless, Wide Area Wireless, docking cradles, or IR ports.
Since the patient information resides on the database of the PDA, users of Rcopia, unlike other solutions, do not need to be connected to the Internet to use it. As a result, Rcopia allows physicians to carry a PDA with all of the information necessary to make a knowledgeable prescription decision at the point of care — a list of all of their patients with each patient’s demographic data, medication list, and allergy list, the physician’s favorite drug list, a pharmacy list, and patient-specific insurance formulary information. Since Rcopia automatically checks both for drug-drug and drug-allergy interactions, potential errors are identified at the point-of-care.
Rcopia is a SureScripts Certified SolutionTM, which enables physicians to electronically access and conduct two-way communications with more than 50 percent of chain and independent pharmacies across the country that are connected to SureScripts MessengerTM Services. The connectivity to pharmacies will not only allow physicians using Rcopia to electronically transmit new prescriptions, but will also enable them to expedite refills electronically, improving the current inefficient process of phoning and faxing.
Additionally, Rcopia has the unique capability of connecting to health plan pharmacy benefit managers through its relationship with RxHub. In so doing, Rcopia provides the patients’ medication history and streamlines medication prescribing by providing patient-specific drug benefit information. This functionality enables physicians to make informed prescribing decisions at the point of care.
“Excellent patient safety is achieved with Rcopia, it is like a clearing house for patient prescriptions. I would no sooner give up using Rcopia than to go back to filing paper insurance claims”, said Robert A. Krause, M.D. a Member of Atlantic Integrated Health, who practices Family Medicine in Jacksonville, NC and participated in the pilot.
“I love it. Rcopia E-Prescribe has made my job 100 times easier. I don’t have to stay on hold waiting for the pharmacist any more. It is great for patient safety too. It lets you know allergy information and allows us to create or refill a prescription in just three clicks”, said Vickie Vineyard, CMA, an Atlantic Integrated Health Member at Goldsboro Family Physicians in Goldsboro, NC.
Mr. Wayne Williams, President and Chief Operating Officer of AIH, noted that AIH has been successful in the past due to its careful selecting of partners to help their membership deal with various technology and HIPAA requirements. By providing Rcopia to its physicians at a discounted price, Mr. Williams believes AIH will help its physicians save money and increase productivity. “It’s clear that e-Prescribing is a powerful tool that truly helps physicians, their practices, and, most importantly, their patients,” said Mr. Williams.
About Atlantic Integrated Health
Atlantic Integrated Health (“AIH”) was founded in 1994 by physicians to offer accessible, cost effective and high quality health care services to employers and other health care consumers in Eastern North Carolina. AIH is a regional network of approximately 4000 credentialed physicians who are committed and accountable to improving the health status of their patients and the communities where they practice while reducing overall health care costs for employers and other health care consumers
DrFirst also provides the industries best secure text messaging platforms for physicians, hospitals and EMR/EHR vendors.