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Fallon gets electronic prescription system

Fallon gets electronic prescription system

DrFirst, provider of products and services for the health-care community, announced that it is exclusively hosting Fallon Community Health Plan’s formulary. Through DrFirst Rcopia, Massachusetts’ physicians will have access to formularies for the state’s four largest health insurers.

This agreement will allow FCHP’s 12,000 contracted doctors and 41 hospitals to utilize DrFirst’s Rcopia Electronic Prescription Management program, which is endorsed by the Massachusetts Medical Society. DrFirst Rcopia offers an end-to-end electronic prescribing system that integrates patient eligibility and formulary information with medication history at the point of care. The system allows the physician to transmit the prescription electronically to the pharmacy of the patient’s choosing.

>Healthcare IT News

DrFirst also provides leading edge secure texting platforms for physicians, hospitals and EMR/EHR vendors.


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