Integrated workflows ease staff burden and satisfy regulatory mandates.
DrFirst Ranked Number One in Electronic Prescription Volume for Twelve Consecutive Months

Rockville, MD – For the twelfth consecutive month, DrFirst has been ranked number one in electronic prescription volume through the SureScripts network across competitive electronic prescribing vendors. This network enables the two-way electronic exchange of prescription information between pharmacists and physicians through certified e-prescribing vendors. Today, 90 percent of all pharmacies in the United States are certified on the SureScripts network.
Since 2001, DrFirst has consistently maintained its status as market leader in the e-prescribing industry by actively developing the technology to support real-world physician practice workflows, ensuring continued long term use and increased adoption within the provider community. During the past year, DrFirst has maintained its leading market share by creating connected communities of physicians with its health plan, health system, hospital, IPA, EMR and physician clients. Currently, DrFirst maintains major regional e-prescribing programs in 12 states across the country; including Michigan, Maryland. Virginia, Maine, Massachusetts, Delaware, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New York.
“DrFirst views electronic prescribing as just one piece of the integrated healthcare puzzle. We believe it is critical to take a collaborative approach with our partners to ensure that not only physicians and their staff utilize the software, but that the overall goals and needs of the broader organization are met as well,” said G. Cameron Deemer, DrFirst SVP and General Manager.
DrFirst continues to innovate, making electronic prescribing more valuable to physicians, and other healthcare entities and more beneficial to patients. Recently, DrFirst added pharmacy dispensed medication history and prescription fill status to Rcopia in cooperation with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Physicians using DrFirst Rcopia under a grant from AHRQ will now be able to identify whether prescriptions have been filled at participating pharmacies through the SureScripts network. Combining this data along with patient medication history physicians can now build a more complete active medication record for their patients.
About DrFirst
DrFirst is a national provider of physician connectivity services through its award-winning Rcopia electronic prescription management system. Founded in 2000, DrFirst creates innovative services targeted to physicians in both ambulatory and acute care environments. With a strong emphasis on products that link physicians, patients, pharmacies, and payers, DrFirst works to lower healthcare costs while improving clinical outcomes. DrFirst solutions are widely integrated with practice management and electronic medical records software through its “Open Borders” program, and the company counts among its client base, not only physician practices, but major health plans, health systems, and EMR vendors. More information about DrFirst can be found at