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DrFirst Provides Over 100 Health IT Partners with Surescripts Certified Gold Solution E-prescribing Solution

Rockville, MD–(Business wire) - Surescripts, operator of the Pharmacy Health Information ExchangeT, has awarded Gold Solution Provider Status to DrFirst for the fourth consecutive year. The announcement signals that DrFirst Rcopia e-prescribing software has consistently exceeded Surescripts’ baseline product certification, establishing a proven track record in pharmacy interoperability. DrFirst provides this industry-leading eprescribing technology to its more than 100 “Open Borders” EHR, practice management, and hospital information system vendor partners for distribution to their users.
“Our partners choose us for a number of reasons, one of which is our commitment to maintain our Gold Solution Provider status. Equally important, though, is our broad solution set, our expertise in training, and that fact that we consistently develop our products above and beyond the industry standard, including pioneering work on initiatives such as electronic prescribing of controlled substances,” said G. Cameron Deemer, President of DrFirst. “We are proud to bring these capabilities to the over 100 EHR, practice management, and hospital information system vendors who partner with DrFirst.”
Gold Solution Provider status recognizes physician technology vendors that are advancing electronic prescribing and healthcare interoperability with customers in the United States. This certification is awarded to physician technology vendors’ products that leverage the complete resources and capabilities of Surescripts and its network to improve the safety, efficiency and quality of the prescribing process.
“The strong positive response from the MDnetwork physician community utilizing the Rcopia E-prescribing solution has led to rapid deployment and high utilization by our physicians. The support from DrFirst has been nothing short of outstanding,” said Bard B. Betz, CEO of MDnetwork, Inc. “We sought to provide our physician communities with a best-of-breed electronic prescribing solution. With DrFirst we accomplished that objective, far exceeding the physician satisfaction ratings we had strived to achieve.” For physicians wishing to meet “Meaningful Use” and MIPAA requirements while also investing in the safety of their patients and the efficiency of their practices, selecting any one of DrFirst’s “Open Borders” partners provides the assurance that they are choosing a software vendor that meets the highest standards for e-prescribing.
“At EMRlogic, we sought to partner with a true e-prescribing company, one that is clearly a leader in the field. Competing in the new health care economy is all about interoperability, connected care and Clinical Decision Support,” said Alistair Jackson, M.Ed., Vice President of Sales & Marketing of EMRlogic Systems, Inc. “Without question, DrFirst is helping us take our place as leaders in the eye care industry.