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DrFirst’s Medication Management Suite and Backline Care Collaboration Platform Earn High Marks from Customers in KLAS First Look Report

KLAS explores how the solutions work together and separately to improve patient safety
Rockville, Md., August 25, 2021 — Healthcare pioneer DrFirst announced today how customers rate its Medication Management Suite (MMS) and Backline care collaboration platform, as reported in KLAS Research’s First Look report.
KLAS is a leading healthcare IT research firm that provides transparent and impartial insights. Its First Look report reveals an unbiased view of how MMS and Backline perform and shows how the solutions help improve patient outcomes.
Medication Management Suite
For MMS, KLAS surveyed customers at hospitals and health systems of all sizes and found that:
- 100% of customers are highly satisfied (73%) or satisfied (27%)
- 100% of customers would buy it again
- 66% of customers saw outcomes immediately, and 28% within six months
- Customers rate the suite of solutions A to A- in all four performance indicators
MMS combines the medication history power of MedHx with the price transparency of myBenefitCheck and the automated prescription notifications of RxInform to help customers improve medication reconciliation and adherence, reducing risks of readmissions and unnecessary costs. Customers reported high satisfaction with MedHx for its ability to increase the accessibility and accuracy of medication history and with RxInform for the ability to send patient prescription reminders.
KLAS Research Analyst Mike Davis focused on MedHx’s ability to “collect the most current medication information on patients to ensure the medication history is complete.” He notes that “collecting this information from medication claims and local pharmacies improves the accuracy of patients’ medication history files. Using an AI solution to fill in missing data from sigs supports dosing alerts and adverse drug event processes. Improving the workflow for reviewing medication history during transition of patient care ultimately improves patient care and safety.”
Backline Care Collaboration Platform
For Backline, KLAS surveyed customers at hospitals and health systems of all sizes, as well as clinics, long-term care facilities, and payers, and found that:
- 100% of customers report seeing outcomes immediately (43%) or within six months (57%)
- 82% of customers would buy it again
Backline is a comprehensive care collaboration and telehealth platform that improves communication within the healthcare environment for all transitions of care. It provides seamless and secure communications with internal and external clinical teams as well as patients and their family caregivers.
KLAS notes that customers appreciate Backline’s seamless electronic medical record (EMR) integration and proactive enhancements and its easy implementation.
“Backline is a well-designed platform for supporting care collaboration for patients within and outside of a healthcare enterprise. The secure HIPAA-compliant text messaging, which includes alerts and notification functionality, provides a good foundation for improving communication among providers and with patients. Additionally, the functionality for document signing and sharing, care team chats, and telehealth contribute to a broad platform that improves patient care coordination. The ability to collaborate and communicate with non-related organizations delivers additional benefits,” says Davis in his analysis.
To download a complimentary copy of the KLAS First Look report, click here.
About DrFirst
Since 2000, DrFirst has pioneered healthcare technology solutions and consulting services that securely connect people at touchpoints of care to improve patient outcomes. We create unconventional solutions that solve care collaboration, medication management, price transparency, and adherence challenges faced in healthcare. We unite the Healthiverse—the interconnected healthcare universe—by providing our clients with real-time access to the information they need, exactly when and how they need it, so patients get the best care possible. DrFirst solutions are used by nearly 300,000 healthcare professionals, including more than 100,000 prescribers, nearly half of the EHRs in the U.S., and more than 1,400 hospitals in the U.S. and Canada. To learn more, visit and follow @DrFirst.
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Katlyn Nesvold
Amendola Communications for DrFirst