
Only 2 Weeks Left Until the MEDITECH CIO Technology Forum!

Written by DrFirst | February 18, 2010 5:00:00 AM Z

MEDITECH CIO Technology Forum
Date: May 13-14, 2010
Location: Canton, MA

Talk to other MEDITECH CIOs face-to-face:
All scripts are e-signed by providers as a final check on accuracy before transmission or printing. Transmitting scripts to pharmacies eliminates one more chance for a transcription error. Medication reconciliation takes less time.  Nurses can select meds from the claims history list with a single click instead of typing them into the med list.   E-prescribing added no overhead to the process; in fact, the integrated formulary and eligibility functions eliminated the need for a standalone PDA application.  NVRH systems are ready to qualify for “Meaningful Use” dollars in 2011.”

Andrea Lott
CIO, VP of Information Services
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital

“With the LSS Data Systems and DrFirst partnership, our physicians were able to benefit from an embedded industry-leading E-prescribing tool seamlessly integrated into our Medical and Practice Management Suite (MPM). Now new prescriptions and renewals are sent electronically through standards-based EDI to the patient’s retail and mail-order pharmacy of choice. The system automatically checks for patient insurance eligibility, performs real-time formulary status checking, displays coverage limits and co-pays, suggests preferred drug alternatives, and presents the patient’s medication claim history for easy medication reconciliation. We now can more quickly discuss and process the medication management process with patients upon the patient presenting to the clinic which has significantly helped the provider determine the critical path for patient care.  The new process allows our providers and staff handling the patient to better manage the medication process.”

Kim Tilley, MBA
HCIS Manager for Information Systems
Citizens Memorial Healthcare

Goodall decided to sponsor ambulatory E-prescribing licenses to our community providers. Our sponsorship of licenses gave the clinicians a useful tool that increased information at the point-of-care while decreasing time wasted in file pulls and renewal requests.  In turn, our facility receives the most comprehensive medication history information available on the market. Patients, physician/providers, and clinical staff were all served by this patient safety initiative. For patients, the benefit is seen in the identification of medications and allergies that he/she is unable to report (unconscious) and/or remember at the encounter time. For Providers, it is a tool to help in the medication review process with their patients. The staff is served by having this information easily accessible and available for review in the HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM without having to learn multiple systems and passwords. Benefits are seen for patient safety by providing an additional source of information to caregivers for prescription history and allergy information. It is most beneficial for Emergency Department providers who otherwise would not have access to this information from primary care providers without EHR systems and/or unresponsive emergency patients. RcopiaAC provides potentially life-saving information and assists in avoiding adverse reactions.”

Charlie Caruso
Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Business Process Improvement
Henrietta D. Goodall Hospital