“As physicians around the country scramble to comply with the Medicaid Tamper Resistant Prescription Law, we felt that providers who have adopted e-prescribing should not be faced with the challenge of managing paper and printers for the small percentage of their prescriptions which must be printed”, said G. Cameron Deemer, president of DrFirst. “We were pleased with the efforts of CMS to provide guidance regarding how we could enhance our printing capabilities in order to comply with the law.”
In order to comply with the Tamper Resistant Law, a printed prescription must meet three requirements: (1) prevent unauthorized copying of a completed or blank prescription form; (2) prevent erasure or modification of information written on the prescription by the prescriber; and (3) prevent the use of counterfeit prescription forms. DrFirst Rcopia meets the Medicaid requirements through innovative features such as quantity fields which are bordered and spelled out as text, filler characters to prevent alterations to data fields, and microprinting to prevent copying.
The Medicaid tamper-resistant regulations apply only to printed prescriptions. Today, approximately 90% of prescriptions written using an electronic prescribing application can be transmitted electronically or faxed to a pharmacy. The remaining 10% are controlled drug prescriptions which must be printed in order to comply with current DEA regulations.
DrFirst Rcopia is the most widely used standalone e-prescribing system in both small and large practice settings nationwide. Highly configurable, Rcopia features sophisticated workflow, tight integration with portals and EMRs, and the most complete e-prescribing feature set available.
DrFirst will be exhibiting at the National CMS E-prescribing Conference on October 6-7, 2008 in Boston, MA. The company will feature the new tamper-proof Medicaid prescriptions along with DrFirst’s stunning RcopiaMini e-prescribing application designed specifically for the Apple iPhone. The RcopiaMini application is a full-featured version of DrFirst’s award-winning, GoldRx-certified, standalone Rcopia e-prescribing product running on one of the most exciting mobile phones on the market, the iPhone.
About DrFirst
DrFirst is a national provider of physician connectivity services through its award-winning, GoldRx Certified Rcopia electronic prescription management system and secure text messaging platform. Founded in 2000, DrFirst creates innovative services targeted to physicians in both ambulatory and acute care environments. DrFirst solutions are widely integrated with practice management and electronic medical records software through its “Open Borders” program, and the company counts among its client base not only physician practices, but major health plans, health systems, and EMR vendors. DrFirst partners with SureScripts and RxHub for pharmacy connectivity, health plan information, and patient medication history. More information about DrFirst can be found at www.drfirst.com.